Sunday, November 16, 2014

Leonid meteorites

On Tuesday, November 18, 2014, the Leonid meteorites will meet their peak.Many people are thinking that that are going to be able to go outside and see a dazzling meteor show in the sky, but they might be disappointed at the outcomes. 

Weather can be a big pain when it comes to having a good or wanting to it to be warm on a cool fall day. Typically, people want everyday to clear and sunny with a little rain once in a while. Well, mother nature doesn't always do what you want. If you  have cloudy skies or rainy ones, more than likely you won't be able to experience this annual show.

As the years go on, The show of meteorites decreases by the hundreds to thousands. Previously in the 1990's, the meteors were seen by the tens of thousands per hour. Even in the 2000's the showers have decreased to only thousands per hour. They have also been getting fainter and harder to see due to city lights and other forms of lights. They have now decreased to only a few hundreds per hour.

I hope that y'all get to see the Leonid meteorite show and stay warm 

  here's a link to the article for more information:

 A meteor streaks over Fort Mountain State Park in Georgia in this photo captured by skywatcher James L. Brown, Jr. The annual Leonid meteor shower will peak overnight on Monday and Tuesday (Nov. 17 and 18).

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Spaceshipe Two hits the ground
Billionaire Sir Richard Branson wants to let people to space, but people can't just go to space, so he made two ships called Spaceship I and Spaceship II to take them there.
On October 31, 2014, Spaceship II had an accident Destroying a vehicle, killing 1 pilot while another parachutes to safety with injuries.
Spaceship one was a professionally built ship by scaled composites. It had to be a pretty safe contraption and in order for it to just malfunction in the air is pretty mysterious. I know that those pilots were pretty surprised to be in a spacecraft then falling out of it. I've only flew in an airplane once and it felt pretty safe, so i don't or couldn't tell what happened to craft.
It's pretty coincidental that it happened on Halloween. I think it was probably planned out. But, well never find out until they complete their investigation on it. They will hopefully do better in the future.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Comet Passes Mars

A comet passes mars in a close encounter and NASA says it'll help our understanding of the past.

Today on October 19, 2014 , The comet "Siding spring"  passed  mars at a very low distance from the surface of mars. the comet passed by at 87000 miles from the surface. That is roughly three times closer than the moon is from the Earth. The comet zoomed by at 126000 miles per hour(35 miles per second). Seven spacecraft were to observe it in all of its glory.

A comet is a ball of dust, rock, and some water, and remains from the beginning of the solar system, 4.6 billion years ago. The siding spring was discovered in January, 2013. The comet has never been near the sun; Therefore, it'll look the same it did 4.6 billion years ago. It has a core about .5 to 5 miles thick.

I think this is a very cool thing,especially to view, At 8:30 pm today, you will be able to she the comet fly by live at This is a once in a life time opportunity to see this comet. 

A link to see this article and the live footage:

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Mining The Moon

In December of 2017, NASA plans to launch " the Lunar flashlight" into space to begin a six month trip to the moon to orbit around 80 times to find shadowed areas that contain water.

Doing this would expand our exploration and we humans could settle on the moon. The moon is about 1/4th the size of the earth and has many craters in it. We could fit about 1 billion people on the moon in side all of the craters, that about about a couple feet to about a couple miles.All though the moon has little to no atmosphere and little gravity, we could build build facilities that have aquaponic systems that could produce food and plants that could eventually produce enough  carbon dioxide and oxygen let humans and living things thrive. It wouldn't be impossible, but we could establish factories that burn to make energy and carbon dioxide and methane to build up an atmosphere and warm up the moon. This is all just an opinion and predictions, but it seems possible with all the technology that today and the speed at which its advancing.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Water Is Old

Scientists have found water older than Earth and Sun itself.
                    On September 25, 2014, scientists have discovered that 30-50% of all of Earth's water is older than the solar system. The sun is approximately 4.6 billion years old. The earth is approximately 4.54 billion years old. We all know that water has a chemical make-up of two hydrogen and one oxygen. Water was discovered about 4 billion years ago. Water is already old but how much older can it really be?
                     In the beginning of the solar system, many asteroids and colossal chunks of rock and ice smashed in the Earth constantly. As all of this bombarding happen to the earth and all of the other planets, gravity would have pulled in objects from farther solar systems. Asteroids that would have been pulled in to the forming planets could have contained water frozen tens of degrees above absolute zero (-459 degrees Fahrenheit). Once the earth has cooled and is comfortable the water in the rock already from those early donors would have melted out of the earth's newly formed crust. In addition to all of the carbon dioxide and methane being pumped in to the air, it would have condensed in the first thunderstorms filling the earth of the most important element that helped create life.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Welcome to the most interesting blog that you'll ever lay your eyes on. In this blog we will talking about the Solar system, Earth, and all that has to do with Space and all its glory. We hope this will entertain and maybe educate you in some way.