Sunday, October 19, 2014

Comet Passes Mars

A comet passes mars in a close encounter and NASA says it'll help our understanding of the past.

Today on October 19, 2014 , The comet "Siding spring"  passed  mars at a very low distance from the surface of mars. the comet passed by at 87000 miles from the surface. That is roughly three times closer than the moon is from the Earth. The comet zoomed by at 126000 miles per hour(35 miles per second). Seven spacecraft were to observe it in all of its glory.

A comet is a ball of dust, rock, and some water, and remains from the beginning of the solar system, 4.6 billion years ago. The siding spring was discovered in January, 2013. The comet has never been near the sun; Therefore, it'll look the same it did 4.6 billion years ago. It has a core about .5 to 5 miles thick.

I think this is a very cool thing,especially to view, At 8:30 pm today, you will be able to she the comet fly by live at This is a once in a life time opportunity to see this comet. 

A link to see this article and the live footage:

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