Sunday, October 12, 2014

Mining The Moon

In December of 2017, NASA plans to launch " the Lunar flashlight" into space to begin a six month trip to the moon to orbit around 80 times to find shadowed areas that contain water.

Doing this would expand our exploration and we humans could settle on the moon. The moon is about 1/4th the size of the earth and has many craters in it. We could fit about 1 billion people on the moon in side all of the craters, that about about a couple feet to about a couple miles.All though the moon has little to no atmosphere and little gravity, we could build build facilities that have aquaponic systems that could produce food and plants that could eventually produce enough  carbon dioxide and oxygen let humans and living things thrive. It wouldn't be impossible, but we could establish factories that burn to make energy and carbon dioxide and methane to build up an atmosphere and warm up the moon. This is all just an opinion and predictions, but it seems possible with all the technology that today and the speed at which its advancing.


  1. Eric, this is amazing! If NASA finds water on the moon, it would open so many possibilities and benefits for living on the moon. It's awesome how in this day in age we have nearly all of the technology to make it possible to live on the moon and at this point, we are only a few steps away from doing so.

  2. I know a major problem with exploring the dark side of the moon, which we will never be able to see from earth, is that temperatures are very low. The Dark side of the moon gets pretty much no heat because of, like you said, its little atmosphere and gravity. Without atmosphere its air pressure would be none. Meaning, no liquid water would be found there because of two things: 1.Without atmospheric pressure liquid water molecules would not be able to bond with each other and 2. With the extremely cold temperatures on the dark side (star wars reference) the water will either evaporate or freeze. I'm assuming that if they do terraform the moon the people that would be living on it would probably be the rich and the powerful. The amount of resources and money needed for interplanetary travel is way too much for a person like you or I to just be able to go to the moon.

  3. If we could achieve this then we could start a colony on the moon and soon we would be able to go to different planets. Of course there would still have to be water and we would have to find a way to get heat so we don't die but if you could, then you could start a farm like you said but the plants will add oxygen to the moon so we would be able to live off of the food we produce and we would be able to breath.
